I was a little surprised by how scary it actually was. Now, I don't mean that it was a thriller, it was scary for a children's movie. There are some very unnerving scenes and characters. But it was so good. I think I'm going to see it again tomorrow with the fam.
As we (my friends and I) were driving home I had an idea that I really think would work. Tell me what you think.
So after I walk out of a movie I'm (most of the time) happy with what I saw, or at least enthusiastic about it. Especially for this movie, I wanted to go right back in and watch it again. I think companies shouldn't have people wait months and months for their movies to come out on DVD. I think that there should be DVDs available right after people walk out of the movie. I know that if there were DVDs of Toy Story 3 on sale right there, I would have absolutely bought one. Not even 24 hours after I saw the movie, I'm forgetting how much I loved the movie, I just know I loved it. I know that after waiting many months, I will have forgotten that I even like the movie.
I know there would be problems with production numbers and whatnot, but I think it would really work out, especially for kids movies. Kids love the movie, they want it, they throw a fit.
The moral of this story is: I WANT TO OWN TOY STORY 3!
You could always be like Kramer in that one Seinfeld episode and bring your own video camera to tape the movie clandestinely and then you will have your own DVD PLUS you could make some extra cash on the side ;)
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