I'm really grateful that I chose to go to this school. I would have been miserable if I went to any other place. I'm grateful that I'm able to give the advice, "Pray about it," and it's not a horrendous joke. I love seeing the same faces that I see in church in my classes. I love being in 3 choirs even though one if them is a slight abomination. I think my ward is wonderful and all three hours are very enriching. FHE is always a blast and our family is a pretty good size with consistant attendance.
Of couse I miss my ward at home. The smallness and warmth. But something that I truly miss is hearing the Sacrament Prayers in Spanish.
It took me forever to find these:
Oh Dios, Padre Eterno, en el nombre de Jesucristo, tu Hijo, te pedimos que bendigas y santifiques este pan para las almas de todos los que participen de él, para que lo coman en memoria del cuerpo de tu Hijo, y testifiquen ante ti, oh Dios, Padre Eterno, que están dispuestos a tomar sobre sí el nombre de tu Hijo, y a recordarle siempre, y a guardar sus mandamientos que él les ha dado, para que siempre puedan tener su Espíritu consigo. Amén.
Oh Dios, Padre Eterno, en el nombre de Jesucristo, tu Hijo, te pedimos que bendigas y santifiques este vino [agua] para las almas de todos los que lo beban, para que lo hagan en memoria de la sangre de tu Hijo, que por ellos se derramó; para que testifiquen ante ti, oh Dios, Padre Eterno, que siempre se acuerdan de él, para que puedan tener su Espíritu consigo. Amén.
I never really realized what a blessing it was to have a multilingual ward until I came here and no one was speaking Spanish, or signing. Every Sunday I've been aching to hear these prayers in Spanish. I guess it shouldn't matter, but it's a comfort from home that I'd like to have.
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Mary! I am so glad you like school and you are glad you went there. But I do know what you mean, I miss the signing every Sunday
We miss you, too, Mary. I know what you mean about the Sacrament prayers. I'm SO glad that you are loving college. I always knew it was the right place for you. xoxoxo
Yay Mary!
I love that you love where you are. You've made awesome progress and it's awesome to see it through this bloggy thing you've got goin' on here.
Good stuff.
P.S: I want to send you a CD of Chamber Choir. Cause (I don't mean to brag, but) eeet's niiice.
reading your blog makes me happy
I miss Yorktown Sac Mtg too. We always had great speakers, fab music and lots'o diversity.
I'm jealous that you're having such a great time. College is the best!!!
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