Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life Two

Well.  I haven't vomited yet.  Although I think I almost did this morning.

I guess I should start from the beginning.  Hmm?  We get there on Wednesday and we are supposed to check in at the Lofts (the girls' dorms).  We go in and it's pretty crazy.  Not as organized as it could have been.  And that is where I get some very special news.  I am in a completely different room.  New floor and everything.  Do we know if my roommates moved with me? Nope.  We walk into the room and there's a girl with her two parents who is someone I have never ever seen before in my life.

I have new roommates.  I had spent all summer trying to get to know my roommates so we could ease into this stupid college experience as smoothly as possible.  But no.  I have to start over.  I have to go in with my arms outstretched in a completely dark room.

So it's my family and hers unpacking.  She's from Indiana.  Blah blah blah unpack.  We leave and get more stuff done.  And come back to find another roommate.  From New Jersey.  Then more unpacking.

Then sleep?

Thursday?  Alright.  Orientation.  It's basically EFY.  I literally have two counselors and we have groups and we play games with our groups and we have groupe meetings and discussions and we go to assemblies.

Friday?  Same thing.  Except even though I'm in "Bella Voce" on Tuesdays and Thursdays I still had to audition for the people to see what they thought of me.   So you go and wait with a bunch of other people in the hallway and while you wait you can totally hear the person going.  And while you wait you have to pick a hymn to sing for the people.  There are a couple of books going around so you can think of a hymn but I needed a book to see.   The rumor is that they as you to sing the soprano part and the alto part (with the piano).  So I end up choosing "As Sisters In Zion".

So it's finally my turn OH.  Wait.  They made us fill out a little piece of paper with our info and everything and our choir background.  I said:  3 years of high school choir, church choir since 8th grade(?), and conducted choirs.  Now, after I came in and handed that paper in and introduced myself they asked about it.  Oh.  Again they.  There were two guys (rather young, maybe still students)  and one old, sweet lady.  Yeah.  They asked about the conducting.  And right at that moment I completely regret writing it down.  And I told them.  I said, "I probably shouldn't have written that down."  And they laughed.  They loved me. But I told them that I conducted the youth choir and the ward choir.  And they might have been impressed.  I don't remember.  Wow.  Anyway.  Getting to the point.  Ummm what did we do.  I think first we did.  My range.  I got up to I think she said a high C and then down to an F# if I heard/remember correctly and then we did a memory thing where she would play a little five note diddly and I would sing it back to her.  No big deal.  Unless I'm tone deaf.  Then we did the hymn which was okay.  The problem with the whole audition was that I was pretty rusty.  I hadn't been singing  very much for the past two weeks and so I was a bit squeaky.   The worst part of the whole the was the alto line.  I start making my one line up because I wasn't looking to hard and I was all over the place.  And once I lost one note I lost 'em all.

I think the results are in, but I don't want to go down and check 'cause they're so far away.

And then for the rest of Friday we had the luau (I went - it was just food) and Knight games (we're the Knights) which were fun to watch people fools of themselves.

Saturday? We took an honor oath.  We did a service project.  OH.  Ok.  We had a toilet problem.  We went all over the dorm looking for a freakin' plunger and we finally found one but I knew by just looking at it that it probably wouldn't work.  I tried for an hour to fix the toilet but it wouldn't work.  I was so upset and a little angry because what kind of dorm wouldn't have a plunger even in a closet somewhere.  So, after a little bit of crying,  I drove to walmart (I'm not going to capitalize it.)  and bought a stupid plunger.  Though I shouldn't call it stupid because it is my most favorite thing.  After I unwrapped it and unclogged the toilet, I woke up my roommate and told her the toilet worked (it had been  about 7 hours of it not working).  Then I went to my computer to tell Facebook that the toilet worked and my internet wasn't working.  I nearly started crying again.

Oh yeah.  That's a thing.  The internet is seriously having a problem.   It's fast when it works but something is wrong.  I'm doing different experiments before I go to people because it's seriously a weird problem that all three of us have.

Then I did my laundry and then we went to a dance.  Then we went to sleep.

Then we woke up and went to church.  Tonight we have a fireside.  And now the internet is breaking left and right.  I'm truly angry.

I'm glad that my room got switched.  Classes are starting tomorrow.  Mmmmmehhhhhrrrrgggg. Scared.


marialuigi said...

Oh, I could read your words forever! I feel like I'm there with you...seriously started laughing out loud at several are amazing.

Your appetite shall return...I give you another week and you will be an expert and the anxiety will be, "Meh."

I hope you can feel the prayers of your family...all of us. I cannot wait to hear more of your adventures.


marialuigi said...

OH...and by the way...why didn't you call the RA who would in turn call Maintenance to unclog? Are they not available? Just wondering.

AppleBrown76 said...

I loved it your story telling! I too felt like I was in the thick of it with you! Please fix your blog whatevers so that it will tell me in Google Reader when you have a new post!

Okay, I'm glad things are calming down for you and I hope you enjoy your classes! I'm totally impressed that you auditioned without practicing for 2 weeks! At least you didn't sing the Ursula son from the Little Mermaid for your audition (I did that once, don't ask about it).

Loves to you and I look forward to your next installment of "College Life: SVU" Mary-style!!!!

Luisa Perkins said...

Mary, you ROCK. I'm so proud of you for taking the WalMart plunger by the horns. You get things DONE. The choir is going to be awesome, the roommate thing happened for a reason, and you'll be able to enjoy food again soon. Love you tons. Call or write any time. xoxoxo

Lauren said...

I can't believe you didn't capitalize WALMART!!!

Alrighty, choir sounds awesome. And I laughed out loud at that part about conducting choirs in the past. And through the whole toilet sequence, although I know if that was me, I would definitely be crying through it all.

Classes sound lame. So I'm not even going to "hope you have fun" or anything like that. Unless of course you find an awesome professor or something who you immediately connect with and can learn stuff from, then well, have fun. I understand the anxiety not eating thing, except for me it was not sleeping. Literally, my first few weeks here I got 4 hours a night. So be lucky you can sleep...***FLASHBACK*****
Link: I'm so worried about Tracy. I can't eat, I can sleep...
Mrs. Turnblad: You can't eat?? Why douncha come on in I'll make ya some pork.

^paraphrased slightly

Karen said...

"Link, your pork is ready."
Thanks for letting me come to your first days of college. Everything else is going to seem easy after unplugging a dorm toilet!
Keep your chin up! You're awesome.

Melissa said...

I just caught up with your entire summer experience--read all your posts. You, my dear, are a wonderful writer. And brave (plunger and audition). And smartly talented. I miss you as much as I did when you left my Seminary class.

But I know you can do this whole thing.

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